


Georgia Film Academy


99hg皇冠登录继续教育 是乔治亚电影联盟(GFC)的成员. 乔治亚电影学院(GFA)支持 the GFC, which is a unique-in-the-nation, state-wide collaboration of institutions of the University System of Georgia, Technical College System of Georgia and Independent institutions who offer professional courses in film, television, digital entertainment, 电子竞技和游戏开发.

The Georgia Film Academy is a professional organization, a unit of the University System of Georgia, which is committed to leading and advancing the entertainment arts 乔治亚州的工业和劳动力. GFA提倡严格的专业培训, and supports opportunities for union-covered film and television production craft internships and placement in creative industries, apprenticeships and jobs in an effort 在该州建立一个永久的、可持续的工业. On behalf of the USG, TCSG, and their institutions, as well as private higher education institutions in Georgia who choose to use its resources, the GFA is dedicated to the development of both Georgia’s workforce and the industry which will utilize it.

As a student in the 99hg皇冠登录继续教育 - Film and Digital 传媒部你将:

  • Learn from professionals in the Film, Television and Digital Entertainment industries
  • Take classes at an industry hub facilitated with a package of professional-level equipment
  • Participate in on-set, hands-on experience and simulated “real world” projects, coupled 课堂作业
  • Work hands-on with professional production equipment (cameras, sound gear, lights, ) as well as production trucks and generators on studio soundstages
  • Apply for an internship or apprenticeship on a major film production set, television studio, editing house or digital entertainment lab in order to develop recognized film credits, through partnerships with professional productions
  • Receive one-on-one job counseling to include resume preparation, job research and GFA提供的就业推广服务
  • Earn any of three Georgia Film Academy industry certifications, recognized by production companies, studios, networks, vendors, and other entertainment businesses which may employ Georgians:
  • Film & 电视制作认证
  • Film & 电视后期制作认证
  • 数字娱乐,电子竞技 & 了解更多信息 有关乔治亚电影学院的详情,请浏览: http://georgiafilmacademy.edu/

The GFC semester schedule follows the eCore Common Academic Calendar: http://ecore.usg.edu/about/academic-calendar/.

  • For questions regarding non degree classes Continuing Education. Please contact Sr. 项目经理安吉拉·迈尔斯-詹金斯,在   Film and Digital Media
  • For questions regarding classes in degree programs, please contact: Please contact 乔纳森·哈里斯,乔纳森·哈里斯 JonathanHarris2@holzkonzept.net
  • For questions or more information about the Georgia Film Academy, please contact Academics Coordinator Emma Smith, emma.smith@usg.edu.

GFA Courses

GFA Spring 2024 Courses: Registrations Open November 1, 2023 at 8:00am.



  • 影视制作
  • 影视后期制作
  • 数字娱乐,电子竞技 & Game Development                                                                                                                                                               

To reserve your seat in the introductory courses for the Production, Post-Production, and/or Esports pathways please submit your request to the below reservation links. These reservation links are dedicated to a particular subject and to particular days and times. Your reservation will be time stamped and you will be contacted in the 已收到您的订单. 我们会给您后续邮件确认 and finalize enrollment. Please remember to include your phone number with your reservation.

gfa1000:介绍影片 & TV Production

gfa1000:电影入门 & Television Production provides students with a basic set of skills and insights sufficient to be integrated 到电影制作的布景上. 本课程是…的先决条件 ALL 其他GFA课程中的“电影” & “电视制作”认证途径.

GFA 1000 Section 2; Mondays; January 8 - April 4, 2024: 4pm-10pm; at Trilith Studios

GFA 1000 Intro Film & 电视制作组(二)


GFA1000 Section ; Fridays;  January 12- April 19, 2024 2023; 9-am-3pm; at Trilith Studios

GFA 1000 Intro Film & 电视制作组(六)


GFA 1040:后期制作入门 trains students in the essential system operations and technical functions of non-linear editing platforms used in professional film and television post-production. Students perform practical exercises in alignment with fundamental skills for developing careers 在专业的后期制作. 本课程是…的先决条件 ALL 其他GFA课程中的“电影” & “电视后期制作”认证途径.

GFA 1040 Section 3; Thursdays; January 10- April 10 2024 30, 2023; 9am-3pm at Trilith Studios

GFA 1040 Intro Film & 电视后期制作第三组

GFA1040 Section 4; Fridays; January 10, -April 24, 2024 21; 9am-3pm at Trilith Studios

GFA 1040 Intro Film & 电视节目后期制作

GFA 1500:数字娱乐,电子竞技, & Game Development

GFA 1500: 数字娱乐导论,电子竞技 & Game Development provides students with basic skills related to digital media, Esports, and game development, in addition to exposure to the numerous career paths and opportunities within these industries. The course is offered in collaboration with Skillshot Media. This course is the prerequisite for ALL other GFA courses in the “数字娱乐,电子竞技 & “游戏开发”认证途径.

GFA 1500 Section 1; Mondays;  January 8, - April 22, 2024; 9am-3pm; at Skillshot Media

GFA 1500介绍数字娱乐,电子竞技 & Game Development



For all students continuing with GFA craft courses, please email your requests to: filmanddigitalmedia@holzkonzept.net. Please indicate your 1st and 2nd choices. 注册链接将根据要求发送.

Courses: All Pathways

GFA Course Pathways

For full classes, please fill out the GFA waitlist at the following link:



GFA 1000 is the prerequisite for ALL craft courses in the "影视制作" Certificate Pathways.

GFA 2010: Set Construction and Scenic Painting—Wednesdays; January 10, -April 24, 2024; 9am-3pm; at Southern Crescent Technical College

GFA 2010: Set Construction & Scenic Painting provides students with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to build a fully constructed and painted film set through the stages of conceptualization, execution and presentation for a professional art department in the film industry. Prerequisite: GFA 1000

GFA 2020: Lighting & Electric—Mondays;  January 8, - April 22, 20243; 9am-3pm; at Trilith Studios

GFA 2020: Lighting & Electric equips students with the skills and knowledge of electrical distribution and operations of set lighting on a motion picture or episodic television set in order to facilitate 他们在电影行业的进入和发展. Prerequisite: GFA 1000


GFA 2030: Grip & Rigging—Wednesday-January 10- April 24, 2024: 9am-3pm; at Trilith Studios

GFA 2030: Grip & Rigging is an introduction to the practice of rigging and supporting grip equipment for lighting, cameras, vehicles and other physical/mechanical devices. This class is designed to move cameras from beyond sticks, and lights from beyond stands. Prerequisite: GFA 1000

GFA 2050:特殊化妆效果-目前未列出

This course is designed to educate students with entry-level skills and knowledge in practical Special Effects (SFX) Makeup for the film and television industry. Students will participate in goal-oriented class projects including fabrication, material safety, using casting materials, professional make-up, sculpting, airbrushing, and design.

GFA 2060:生产会计 & Office Management—Mon. & Wed; January 8, - April 22,  2024; 6-9p- Online Only

GFA 2060: Production Accounting & Office Management provides students with a broad understanding of the processes, protocols, paperwork and computer programs utilized within the Production Accounting and Production Office departments in the film and television industry, focusing on the knowledge, practical 初级工作所需的技能和日常工作. Prerequisite: GFA 1000


GFA 4010:生产设计ii -目前未列出.

gfa4010:生产设计2 equips students with advanced skills and knowledge of the creative, technical and logistical processes of the Art Department, focusing on the design and construction 布景、道具和效果达到专业标准. 学生必须成功完成 GFA 2010: Set Construction & Scenic 在他们上这门课之前画画.

GFA 4100 Production Crew Practicum: Friday 9-3pm January 12-April 26: Trilith Studios

GFA Production Crew Practicum provides students with career development through experiential learning in film and television production by supporting graduate candidates as crew 在他们的论文电影上,在他们的电影期间. 该课程是合作开设的 与GFC研究生合作院校合作. 实习学生还将研究职业生涯 路径和发展的工作组合. Prerequisite: GFA 1000 and at least one craft course in the production pathway.



Film & 电视后期制作工艺课程

For the courses in the post-production pathway, we offer both in-person and online options. For students choosing to take courses online, You will need access to a computer 满足以下最低技术要求. 

·                 2.3 GHz processor 

·                 8 GB of Memory (RAM) 

·                 256 GB of storage 

·                 至少25mbps的互联网服务 

·                 显卡的能力,以查看1280 × 720分辨率 

·                 摄像头和麦克风用于视频通话 

·                 应安装最新版本的QuickTime播放器 



GFA 1040 is the prerequisite for ALL craft courses in the "影视后期制作" Certificate Pathway.

GFA 2040: Fundamentals of Editing with Avid Media Composer 100—Mondays; January 8, -April 22; 9am-3pm; at Trilith Studios

GFA 2040: Fundamentals of Editing with Avid Media Composer 100 provides students with a broad base of knowledge that will prepare them for entry-level positions within a post-production team. Topics include, but are not limited to, the equipment, techniques, terminology, communications, and processes used in the post-production department. During the course, students will have the opportunity to certify as an Avid Media Composer Certified Specialist. Prerequisite: GFA 1040

GFA 3140: Intro Sound Design/ProTools 100—Wednesdays; Not listed at this time

GFA 3140:介绍声音设计与Avid Pro Tools 100 is a skills-based course to learn the tools and techniques of post-production sound 设计的职业生涯在声音编辑. 学生参与创造性的,叙事性的声音 design projects to demonstrate fundamentals of post-production sound design theory and practice. 在课程中,学生有机会获得认证 as an Avid Pro Tools Certified User.


GFA 4040: Advanced Avid Media Composer 200—Wednesdays; January 8, April 22, 2024; 9am-3pm; at Trilith Studios

GFA 4040:高级编辑与Avid媒体作曲家 200 is a skills-based course to further develop the tools and techniques of post-production 为编辑的高级职业. 学生参与创造性的叙事编辑 projects to demonstrate proficiency in post- production theory and practice. During the course, students have the opportunity to certify as an Avid Media Composer Certified Professional. Prerequisite: GFA 2040 or GFA 3040


GFA 4140 Advanced Sound Design/Avid Pro Tools 2000 Thursday, 9am-3pm: January 11-April 25 Trilith Studios

GFA 4140:先进的声音设计与Avid专业工具 200 is a skills-based course to further develop the tools and techniques of post-production 声音编辑高级职业的声音设计. 学生参与创意, narrative sound design projects to demonstrate proficiency in post-production sound 设计理论与实践. 在课程中,学生有机会获得认证 作为高级Avid Pro Tools认证专业人员. 前提条件:GFA 2140或GFA 3140

Esports Craft Course

GFA 1500 is the prerequisite for ALL craft courses in the "Digital Entertainment, Esport 7 game Development" Certification Pathway

GFA 3520:数字娱乐 & 电子竞技创意发展Not listed at this time

3510数字娱乐 & 1月8日星期三,电子竞技活动设计 - April 22, 2024; 3-9pm Skillshot Media

3510数字娱乐 & E Sport Design                          Digital Entertainment and Esports Event Design provides the specialized skills and insight needed for the creation of live digital entertainment and Esports events, including the necessary steps to propose, plan, produce, and market a professional event. Students will demonstrate learned skills through practical application exercises, 以期末课程项目结束. Prerequisite: GFA 1500




Entertainment & 电子竞技创意发展 provides students with the knowledge and practical skills required of a professional live-casting and hosting talent, as 以及各种表演的理论背景. 学生将学习现场直播 for Digital Entertainment and Esports of various genres, and hosting for interviews and analyst desks, while developing skills for career advancement in the field.




Please note: All refund/withdrawal requests must be provided in writing to filmanddigitalmedia@holzkonzept.net


Title IX: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity 接受联邦财政援助.获取99hg皇冠登录的信息 policy on Title IX and Sexual Misconduct, please visit the webpages at: http://h.holzkonzept.net/human-resources/current-employees/title-ix/ and http://www.usg.edu/policymanual/section4/C327

If you wish to submit an electronic report concerning Title IX, you may do so at Title9@holzkonzept.net or via the Anonymous & 可选择的非匿名举报表格可在以下网址查阅: http://claytonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ebRSQ0hxLtiwDJP .

If you wish to discuss situations related to Title IX, please contact: Nikia Yallah, 第九条协调员(678)466-4237 NikiaYallah@holzkonzept.net 或罗德尼·伯德,第九条众议员(678)466-4232 RodneyByrd@holzkonzept.net

Not yet available.

Schedule information expected  Information expected late November for Spring . Registration will open 

Introductory courses expected to remain the same; however, craft courses may vary.